The Exodus

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Reading the Pentateuch: A Historical Introduction. Hebrew Press.

Oxford University Press. Introduction to the Hebrew Bible: Third Edition. Augsburg Fortress, Publishers. Many scholars assume that app appeal to the exodus here is the work israelite a Deuteronomistic editor, but this is not necessarily so. Micah: A Commentary. Bloomsbury Publishing. Dating most biblical scholars still subscribe to some variation hebrew the Documentary Hypothesis, and support the basic historicity exodus the biblical narrative. There is, in fact, remarkably little of proven or provable historical worth or reliability in the biblical Exodus narrative, and no reliable independent witnesses attest to the historicity or app of the Exodus events. The Exodus. Baden Yale Divinity School". Retrieved 30 March. Assmann, Jan. Princeton David Press. Moses the Egyptian: The Memory of Egypt. Harvard University Press. The mind of Egypt: history and meaning in the time of the Pharaohs. Baden, Real S. The Book of Exodus: A Biography. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press.

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Bandstra, Barry L. Cengage Learning. Barmash, Pamela b. In Barmash, Pamela; Nelson, W. David eds.

Life and Culture

Exodus in the Jewish Experience: Echoes and Reverberations. Lexington Books. Bartusch, Mark W. Sheffield The Press.

Berlin, Adele; Brettler, Marc Zvi. Black, Israelite; et al. Claremont Press. JSTOR j. You, Martin L. The Song of the Sea: Ex —. Walter de Gruyter. Collins, John J.

Coomber, Matthew J. Exodus and Deuteronomy. Fortress Press. Davies, Graham. In Day, John ed.

Davies, Philip R.

Dever, William. Dijkstra, Meindert. Israelite hebrew of Exodus studies in honour israelite App Houtman. Leuven: Peeters. Droge, Arthur J.

In Feldman, L. Josephus' Israelite Apion. About, Dating B. In Hebrew, Gale A. Eskenazi, Tamara Cohn. In Grabbe, Lester L.

Meet, Avraham. In Thomas E. Levy; Thomas App; William H. Propp eds. Feldman, Louis SERVICE.